Eco Marine

1612 ₹ 2015

Qty :
  • ,Central Assam Division,Assam,India,782410
  • Product Type : Non-refundable


- Product Name: Eco Marine M Probiotics - Continuous Action: Works 24/7 as facultative anaerobes, independent of sunlight or oxygen - Waste Management: Digests organic waste, converts it into micronutrients, and controls excess phosphorus - Gas Reduction: Reduces toxic gases like ammonia, HS, and nitrite - pH Control: Helps maintain stable pH levels in the water - Plankton Control: Manages and prevents plankton blooms - Application: 40 tablets for 1-hectare pond (1m depth), 80 tablets for 1-hectare pond (2m depth) - Adjust for Stocking Density: Increase tablet quantity for high stocking density - Presentation: Comes in packs of 80 tablets - Usage Frequency: Recommended application every 15 days for pond balance. Eco Marine M Probiotics is designed to enhance the health and quality of aquaculture ponds, making it easier for pond owners to manage and maintain a stable and thriving aquatic environment.

Probiotics for aquaculture pond balance.

Organic waste, digestion, Algae control, Reduction of Toxic Gases, PH Control, Plankton Bloom Control etc.